Rapid and Quality Results
Mohs Technician
While many offices use the medical assistant for Mohs specimen processing, the use of specialized Mohs technician services allows for quicker turnaround of slides between cases; improving patient comfort and allowing higher case counts per day that reduces wait time for patients when scheduling. Experience and training of our techs ensures consistent and high quality slides, with an aim of under 15 minutes per specimen. We can provide all necessary equipment and chemicals for the cutting and staining, or use the equipment provided by your office as preferred. Our techs will fill all applicable Mohs logs for proper CLIA compliance. Offices may also utilized us as a fill in capability on an as needed basis in case of vacation or illness of in-house techs.
Specimen Processing
Technician will complete Mohs log and map, cut and stain specimen provided, put on slides with cover slip applied.
Slow Mohs Staining
Some of our qualified technicians can assist with staining Slow Mohs specimen for later processing sent to your Dermatopathology lab.
Frozen Section Biopsy
Technician can help with frozen section biopsy, allowing surgeons to determine if Mohs surgery is appropriate on the same day as patient's visit.
Mohs Lab Setup
Starting a new Mohs lab with our service will help your lab setup for success. Through our years of experience, we can help make your lab more efficient, with equipment and chemical customized for your Mohs tech and their level of experience, as well as Standard Operating Procedures that helps to achieve high quality and consistent slides.
Physical Lab Layout
Evaluate the physical lab layout of workstations for efficient workflow
Equipment and Chemical Recommendations
Proven equipment that minimizes downtime and reduces maintenance cost.
Stains and chemical recommendation list for reliable results.
Equipment recommendation based on staff skillset and expected case load.
Standard Operating Procedures
Provide SOP for lab to ensure consistent and reliable results.
Safety protocols.
Standardize CLIA log books.
Basic response for common issues.
Mohs Technician Training
We provide two different training curriculum that helps new Mohs technicians to get started with the basics as well as an advanced Mohs technician training for technicians to improve on their current competencies. Contact us for specifics of what our curriculum includes.
If you have previously received training from us and would like to verify the specifics of your training, please click below.
Our primary focus is in helping to provide Mohs surgeons the support needed to provide the patients with the best of care. As such, our offer of autologous skin graft product to help close cases that were not possible to close before is an exciting opportunity to advance that goal. As part of our customer focus approach, we also offer additional products for ease of ordering through a single channel for your wound care.
Mohs Rapid Results is an Arizona based company. It was founded with three key stakeholders in mind and a drive to ensure their complete satisfaction: the surgeons, the patients, and our technicians. We strive to offer quality services and products in the Mohs surgery space that will help improve the experience of our customers. To ensure quality service, we focus on keeping our work environment professional, with a rigorous training program to empower the technicians to be knowledgeable and confident in what they do.